Cape breton Island 布雷顿角岛
André Breton 安德烈·布勒东 ; 布勒东 ; 安德列·布列东 ; 安德烈·布雷顿
Cape Breton University 卡普顿大学 ; 不列颠海角大学 ; 凯波布兰顿大学 ; 海角大学
Thierry Breton 布雷顿 ; 布莱顿 ; 布雷东 ; 法国财长布瑞顿
Breton language 布列塔尼语
Cape Breton 不列颠海角大学 ; 布列塔尼角 ; 卡普顿大学
University College Of Cape Breton 不列颠海角大学 ; 凯波布兰顿大学 ; 不列颠海角大学学院 ; 基伯顿大学学院
Andre Breton 布勒东 ; 布列顿 ; 卜绿冬
Breton lace 布列塔花边
以上来源于: WordNet
Important members of the Breton National Party include Morvan Lebesque and Alan Heusaff.
Mr Breton has repeatedly promised to broker a neat fix, but so far a solution has eluded him.
Natalie MacMaster is a star of Cape Breton fiddling, a Canadian tradition with Scottish roots.
Natalie MacMaster是苏格兰裔加拿大人,是世界Cape Breton fiddling演奏明星。
Anyway, they spoke Breton here. Now, Nantes isn't considered technically part of Brittany, but they spoke Breton there, which is basically a Gaelic language.
And there were cases where Bretons tried to name their children Breton names and the French State said, uh-uh,pas possible, because it wasn't officially French.
There's a strong tradition in Nime, one of my favorite places,of popular Royalism, and also of course in Brittany -- I keep giving Breton examples, I'll pick other ones.